February 4, 2022 Survey: Use of RPM and Telehealth Dramatically Expands in the Wake of COVID

As a medical provider, you know that the COVID pandemic has changed the way you care for your patients. While focusing on their health, you’ve probably encouraged some patients to remain at home, as well. With more telehealth and remote patient monitoring services, walking that fine line between health maintenance and COVID exposure is easier now than it’s ever been. Read more

January 31, 2022 RPM Spotlight: Remote Monitoring Stroke Patients

Stroke is a leading cause of cognitive impairment, disability, and death in the United States, affecting more than 795,000 people every year. Read more

January 19, 2022 The Truth About Bluetooth vs. Cellular RPM Devices

Bluetooth and Cellular devices are two types of digital health wearables your medical office can use for transmitting remote data from patients. But is one really better than the other? The short answer is yes. Read more

December 24, 2021 RPM and RTM: What You Need to Know for 2022

Remote physiological monitoring (RPM) started as a basic care and communication tool. Throughout the past few years, it’s evolved to be utilized along with more comprehensive medical services and treatment plans. Now, beginning on January 1, 2022, medical providers will have an additional way to provide digital health services and seek Medicare reimbursement: remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM). Read more

November 26, 2021 RPM Spotlight: Remote Patient Monitoring and Dementia

Dementia is a debilitating condition. Patients with dementia suffer from cognitive issues, forgetfulness, and impaired social skills. The symptoms often impact a person’s memory, language, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Since dementia is most frequently observed in older adults, it is often assumed to be a normal part of aging. But it’s not normal. Countless health organizations are doing all they can to stop the disease’s progression among their patients. Read more

November 25, 2021 RPM Spotlight: Remote Monitoring Heart Conditions

A vast majority of heart conditions develop slowly over time. Because of this slow progression, early diagnosis and prevention strategies can significantly reduce the risk of a fatal incident or other complications for the patient.  Read more

October 31, 2021 Staff Shortages: Tackling the #1 Challenge of 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a domino effect that led to medical staff shortages across the healthcare industry and experts suggest these shortages could last throughout 2022. The good news is that technology like advanced remote patient monitoring systems can help close the gap caused by staffing shortages. Read more

October 30, 2021 Top 4 Benefits of Using Remote Patient Monitoring for Chronic Care Management

Caring for patients with chronic diseases is a major burden on our medical system. In fact, treatment of chronic health conditions is responsible for 86% of all medical costs. Read more

October 6, 2021 Remote Patient Monitoring for Pain Management

Pain—it’s the aching, stabbing, throbbing, or pinching sensation that nobody wants to have. Even worse, what’s often the defining feature of all types of pain—acute or chronic, mild or severe—is that it is detrimental to the person’s emotional wellbeing. Pain can bring about anger, irritability, depression, and mood swings. It can also branch  out into other physical symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and drowsiness. Read more

September 28, 2021 4 Ways to Improve Patient Care Quality

In recent years, many healthcare organizations have placed a sharp focus on improving patient satisfaction. Because the patient experience plays a critical role in evaluating hospital performance, keeping patients happy is imperative. Achieving this involves moving away from a supply-driven healthcare system toward a more patient-centered one.   Read more


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