July 22, 2024 Understanding How to Use RPM for Neurological Disorders

Since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare scene has become increasingly dominated by technology. One form of digital healthcare, remote patient monitoring (RPM), offers unique benefits to specialty providers, including neurologists. Let’s explore the unique benefits of using RPM for neurological disorders. Read more

July 16, 2024 Navigating High-Risk Pregnancies with Remote Patient Monitoring

Simply being pregnant carries some amount of risk for any individual, but a notable minority - around 15 percent worldwide - can be categorized as high-risk. There is no set of discreet, clearly defined criteria for high-risk pregnancy; it simply means that the individual, fetus(es), or both are at greater risk of pregnancy-related adverse health effects compared to the average pregnancy. Read more

July 9, 2024 Remote Patient Monitoring for Stroke Recovery: How it Works

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated a trend in medicine and managed care that had been developing for years: telehealth. While there is often no substitute for in-person physical exams, trained patients have found success—and convenience—in monitoring certain aspects of their health with digital health products. Read more

May 22, 2024 How to Increase Clinician Buy-In and Patient Referrals into Your RPM Program

You’ve done the research, put in the work, and are ready to launch a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program at your practice. Only one problem stands in your way: clinicians aren’t referring any patients! Securing clinician buy-in for remote patient monitoring can be tricky, but it’s an essential part of maximizing RPM patient referrals. Below, we explore what you can do to get everyone on your team excited about using RPM to support your patients. Read more

May 17, 2024 Remote Therapeutic Monitoring in Physical Therapy: How Does it Work?

Today, there’s no shortage of virtual healthcare solutions promising to help providers offer their patients better, more engaging care. Remote therapeutic monitoring is one such solution, but its uses are limited to certain contexts. However, there’s one area where providers can consistently utilize remote therapeutic monitoring: physical therapy. Read more

April 15, 2024 Remote Patient Monitoring for Mental Health Care: How to Use It Effectively

What if there was an easier, faster way to help patients with mental health conditions get the support they deserve? Luckily, with the help of remote patient monitoring, there is. While many discussions around telehealth and digital care focus on physical health conditions, there are plenty of opportunities to use remote patient monitoring for mental health treatment, as well. Read more

April 10, 2024 How RPM Simplifies Monitoring Patients on GLP-1 Agonists

In late 2023, whispers of a new trend began dominating social media and public discourse: the so-called “Ozempic craze” had just begun. What initially served as a medication for Type 2 diabetes swiftly evolved into a highly sought-after solution for weight loss and obesity treatment. Read more

March 19, 2024 2024 Updates to Remote Therapeutic Monitoring CPT Codes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is responsible for maintaining a system of codes, known as CPT codes, which healthcare providers use to bill and receive reimbursement for services provided to patients. Each year, CMS releases updates to the CPT code registry, which may include changes to remote therapeutic monitoring CPT codes. Below, we explore key highlights from the 2024 revisions to CPT codes that could affect remote therapeutic monitoring. Read more

March 14, 2024 RPM Data Analytics: Putting Patient Data into Action

If you’ve been following the wave of telemedicine advancements sweeping across healthcare practices for the past few years, you’re probably familiar with remote patient monitoring (RPM). But a crucial aspect that enhances the power of RPM lies not only in the devices you choose but also in how you approach RPM data analytics. Read more

February 22, 2024 How RPM is Revolutionizing Geriatric Care

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a digital healthcare practice that allows doctors to use devices or technology to monitor patients from afar. In most cases, RPM involves collecting health metrics of some kind. This information can then be used to shape treatment decisions and spot warning signs before health issues evolve. There are few settings, though, that demonstrate its value better than RPM in geriatric care. Read more


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