You’ve done the research, put in the work, and are ready to launch a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program at your practice. Only one problem stands in your way: clinicians aren’t referring any patients! Securing clinician buy-in for remote patient monitoring can be tricky, but it’s an essential part of maximizing RPM patient referrals. Below, we explore what you can do to get everyone on your team excited about using RPM to support your patients.

How to Increase Clinician Buy-In and Patient Referrals into Your RPM Program

Common Barriers to Implementing an RPM Program

Among the many potential barriers to RPM adoption are concerns held by clinicians. This makes sense – when providers don’t feel confident about RPM, they’re unlikely to recommend it to patients. But what, specifically, do clinicians view as the biggest risks of remote patient monitoring?

A 2023 review of the perceptions of RPM held by healthcare providers revealed that the majority are concerned with challenges including:

  • Increased workloads
  • Higher patient anxiety
  • Data inaccuracy
  • Disorienting or confusing technology
  • Privacy concerns

When left unaddressed, these concerns often lead clinicians to distrust RPM or at least be wary of its benefits. Since clinician buy-in is directly linked to patient buy-in, RPM leaders must ensure that providers are engaged if they want to see their program grow.

How to Boost Clinician Buy-In and RPM Patient Referrals

So, how do you actually go about securing buy-in from skeptical clinicians? First and foremost, recognize the validity of the concerns held by the providers you work with. This doesn’t mean accepting that the concerns are insurmountable; instead, it means listening to clinicians and proactively addressing their challenges.

Below are a few more tips you can use to increase clinician buy-in and, by extension, RPM patient referrals.

1. Share RPM Success Stories – And Share Them Often

Few things leave more of an impact on us than personal stories. One of the best ways to secure clinician buy-in and demonstrate the potential value of an RPM program is by sharing patient success stories whenever possible.

What this looks like will vary depending on the touchpoints available to you and your clinicians. You may, for instance, share RPM success stories on monthly provider calls or newsletters, in marketing campaigns, or elsewhere in your internal communications.

No matter how you spread the word, leverage success stories to show clinicians that the benefits of RPM far outweigh its potential risks. Better patient health outcomes, life-changing care, and accessible treatment are just a few major perks you can demonstrate with the help of anecdotal evidence.

2. Diversify How You Acquire Patient Referrals

Another approach is to reconsider how you collect RPM patient referrals. Depending on how your practice operates, you may have access to other opportunities to source candidates that don’t rely on clinician buy-in.

For example, you could choose to browse patient electronic medical records (EMRs) to find potential candidates for RPM, such as non-compliant patients or patients who meet specific criteria.

You can also increase patient referrals by simply raising awareness. Talk to your entire staff about your RPM program and encourage everyone to share the news with others in their lives. The more people who know about your RPM program, the better.

Finally, internal incentives such as contests that reward clinicians for increasing patient referrals can also be helpful, especially if you tie those incentives to other programs or initiatives within your organization.

3. Streamline the Workload of Implementing RPM

Since an increased workload is one of the biggest reasons clinicians hesitate to invest in remote patient monitoring, do your best to minimize the work they take on.

One way to achieve this is by utilizing a centralized platform that provides you with access to all the tools, training, and support you need to maintain your RPM program. The goal is to ensure that clinicians aren’t hindered in performing their jobs by the need to constantly monitor patient data, answer questions, and manage patient outreach.

CoachCare’s RPM platform is designed to help you bring the benefits of RPM to your patients without any of the downsides. We’re here to provide not only the best RPM devices but also the most user-friendly software tools for your practice.

When you choose CoachCare as your RPM vendor, you gain the support of dedicated experts who can help you navigate education, outreach, and real-time data monitoring. Whether you’re brand new to RPM or are looking to revitalize your program, CoachCare is here to help.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how our remote patient monitoring software and devices can help you secure clinician buy-in and launch a successful program.