
Implementing a virtual health system is quick and easy with CoachCare. From lower cost of care to more personalized healthcare services, our Virtual Health platform delivers many benefits for your organization and your patients.

RPM Benefits for Clinics

Benefits For Clinics

  • Improved quality of care for patients
  • Better provider/ patient engagement
  • Reduces missed appointments
  • Lowers the cost of care
  • Exceptional patient results:
    86% improvement in medical outcomes for monitored vs. unmonitored patients, based on an internal analysis of 1,078 total patients using the CoachCare technology platform.

Benefits For Patients

  • Faster and more personalized access to healthcare services
  • Virtual visits from the comfort of their own home
  • Introduces two-way accountability between patient and provider
  • Daily assurance, motivation, support & feedback, along with real-time education to help the patient be more successful
RPM Benefits for Patients

Want to learn more about how your practice can benefit from virtual health services? Check out all of the Virtual Health features.

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